Find out if you are at risk of flooding and what you can do to protect your property before a flood and how to clean up safely after a flood.

Read about how you can report the different types of flooding.

Properties at risk of flooding

Some properties are more at risk of flooding than others.

Find out if your property is currently at risk by checking for flooding on GOV.UK.

You can also sign up for flood warnings.

If you want to know if there is surface water flooding (also known as flash flooding) in your area you can contact us by:

Property purchases and historic flood records

If you are looking to buy a new home, the Environment Agency might hold historic flood records for the property.

You can check the flooding history of a property, and the long term flood risk for an area on GOV.UK.

If the Environment Agency does not hold historic flood records for a property, then we, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for South Gloucestershire, may hold flood records for it.

You can request any recorded flood information we may have on a property by emailing us at

Before a flood

There are some things you can do to help prepare if your property is at risk of flooding.

The National Flood Forum website has information on protecting your property.

GOV.UK can tell you how to prepare for flooding.


Flood Re is lower-cost home insurance you can buy if you live in a flood-risk area.

You can find out more on the Flood Re website.

After a flood

There are some things you can do to keep yourself safe while cleaning up after a flood.

GOV.UK has information on what to do after a flood.

How to report the different types of flooding

Call 999 in an emergency where life is in danger.

On a public road, footpath, cycleway, open space or other surface

Visit our report flooding on a road, footpath, cycleway or open space webpage.

It could be that the flooding is:

  • not clearing after it has been raining
  • causing disruption or a hazard
  • affecting your property

*Examples of open space or other surface include parks, community gardens, cemeteries, fields or farmland.

From a drain

Flooding from your own drain is your responsibility, contact a plumber or the organisation that provides you with cover.

You can visit our report a problem with a drain webpage to tell us about a roadside drain (gully) that is:

  • blocked
  • damaged
  • missing its cover

From a sewer or a burst water main

To report flooding from a:

On a motorway

To report a problem on a motorway or the A46 (between Bath and North East Somerset Council boundary and the M4) contact National Highways.

From a river or the sea

To report flooding from a main river or the sea contact the Environment Agency through their incident hotline.

Other things that can help

GOV.UK – flooding health guidance and advice

Environment Agency – 24 hour Floodline: 0345 988 1188 (Type talk for the hard of hearing 0345 602 6340)
Practical advice on what to do before, during and after a flood.

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