Once you have passed the learning and suitability assessment, you need to attend child sexual exploitation (CSE) awareness training. This is mandatory and you cannot continue with your taxi and private hire driver application if you have not completed this training.

We work with Safe In Your Hands to give safeguarding training to current drivers and licence applicants. This training is to give all drivers the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and deal with issues around child sexual exploitation.

Your driver’s licence application cannot be completed until you have attended the training and passed the end of session test.

What to expect

Training sessions last about 2 hours.

You will be asked questions in the session so be prepared to engage. There will also be a test at the end of the session which you will need to pass to receive your certificate.

A licensed driver is a position of responsibility and you must be respectful towards the trainer and other candidates at all times.

What to bring with you

You need to bring one form of photographic identification with you. Acceptable forms of identification are either a valid passport or valid UK or EU photographic driving licence.
If you are a new driver applicant you need to bring your learning and suitability assessment pass certificate.

If you are a current driver you need to bring your current identification badge.

If you do not bring these then you will not be able to attend the training on that day.

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