SACRE resources for schools
SACRE is the Standing Advisory Council on religious education (RE). We provide resources, support and give advice on collective worship and RE in community schools.
Page contents
What SACRE does
The responsibility of SACRE is to:
- review the local syllabus every 5 years (next will be in 2026)
- monitor the provision of RE and collective worship
- produce an annual report
- consider applications from headteachers for their school to be released from the requirement for collective worship
- support RE teachers
- support governors with a responsibility for RE
How SACRE works
The South Gloucestershire SACRE meets once every school term.
All members are encouraged to contribute to meetings. They can do this by bringing information about the community they represent and feeding back information from SACRE to their colleagues and communities.
We then work on monitoring, supporting and improving the provision of RE in South Gloucestershire schools including work on inter-faith issues and community cohesion.
New members are always welcome to join.
Our SACRE is made up of different committees including:
- Christian and other religious and non-religious denominations
- Church of England
- teaching and school representatives
- local education authority
- co-opted members (non-voting)
Agreed syllabus for RE
We have an agreed syllabus for RE 2023 to 2027. This overview explains what is taught and when this is taught within different year groups.
You can also find our supporting resources and documents:
- humanist appendix
- assessment template
- form for ordering schemes of work
- how to build progression through the agreed syllabus
- religions and beliefs guide
WIRE award
The WIRE award recognises excellence in RE in schools throughout Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
It aims to raise the profile of RE and widen the inclusivity and diversity of your curriculum. The WIRE award is easy to achieve and has already had great impact across many schools in South Gloucestershire.
Find more information about the WIRE award.
WIRE gold award
If you have already received your WIRE award, you can work towards your gold award. This can help to widen the impact of your quality and diversify your RE further.
Find more about the WIRE gold requirements.
How to apply
To apply you can download our WIRE application and return it using the details on the form.
You can also find the evidence collecting form.
WIRE award examples
Below you can see examples of children’s learning as part of the WIRE award.

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Religious trips and visitors
Local members of faith communities bring the religion and world views curriculum to life and give context to pupils’ learning.
We can support you to organise trips and visitors or you can view our list of suggestions for trips and visitors.
Your local RE hub
The Learn Teach Lead RE hub group is available for all schools across South Gloucestershire.
It is free and open to all including subject leaders, heads of departments, specialist and non-specialist teacher and teaching assistant.
We meet 3 times a year for around an hour online or in person. We share resources, ideas and projects to enhance the teaching of RE in all schools.
The next RE hub is on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at Hillside House, BS34 8YU.
We will be sharing some ideas and resources for using the data from the local census for RE and exploring ways of connecting RE with local people and contexts.
There will be lots of practical examples and ideas.
Conferences, CPD and resources
We offer conferences and continuous professional development (CPD). We will update this page with any upcoming events.
Our annual conference
Our annual conference 2023 will be held on Friday 30 June. You can find more details and information on how to book on our 2023 conference leaflet.
Mini deep dive
Our RE Hive project means your school can access 2 hours of supply cover and a mini deep dive into RE with a local RE leader. Find out more in our RE Hive information.
Collective worship and assembly guidance
You can find our collective worship guidance for 2018 to 2023.
Reports, minutes and newsletters
Annual reports
You can view our annual reports for:
You can view the minutes from the SACRE meetings for:
RE newsletters
You can find our termly RE newsletters from:
Contact us
You can contact your local adviser by emailing