School and college admissions
Apply to primary and secondary schools in South Gloucestershire and information on our coordinated admission arrangements, appeals and applying for college.
Community learning
Discover a range of part-time and full-time courses to meet the needs of many learners.
SEND Local Offer
Information on help, services and support for families and children aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Early years development
Find childcare, financial support for childcare and information on childcare choices and early years child development.
Information for adults, children and families
A source of information, advice and guidance for children and young people, families and adults living in South Gloucestershire.

School terms and holiday dates
Check school term and holiday dates.
Emergency school closures
School closures during bad weather or similar emergencies.
School meals
Apply for free school meals and free holiday and activity food clubs.
School and college travel
Information on help with transport to and from school or college.
Post-16 choices
Information on opportunities for young people after year 11.
Future Bright
Free career coaching, training and support for ages 18 and over in paid work.
Authorised and unauthorised absence from school.
Become a school governor
Play a key role in supporting and improving our schools.
School funding and finance
Financial information on the funding of schools within South Gloucestershire.