Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

Renew your travelcard

Your Diamond Travelcard will renew automatically if you are still a resident of South Gloucestershire and you qualified because you:

  • are of pensionable age
  • are sight impaired
  • are profoundly or severely deaf
  • are without speech or have limited speech
  • have a learning disability

We do not automatically renew cards which have not been used in the previous 2 years, as we assume these are no longer needed. If your card is not renewed for this reason, but you do need the renewed card, you should contact us to let us know.

If you qualified for a different reason, you will be required to reapply and provide supporting evidence.

You need to submit your application 14 weeks before your current card expires.

We always aim to issue a new card before your existing one expires.

You need to tell us at least a month before your card expires if you have changed your address since your original card was issued. This is so we can send your renewed card to the correct address.

If you tell us about change of address less than a month before your current card expires, you will be charged £8 for a replacement as we will have already sent out the new card.

You can tell us about a change of address using the contact details below.

Update your travelcard

If your appearance has changed since the photo on your card was taken, you can contact us to update it.

Unless this is updated at the point of renewal, there will be an £8 fee to replace your card.

Change of circumstances

It is important to contact us to tell us about changes to your address or personal details.

You can do this by:

If you have moved into the area, you will need to apply as a new applicant.

In the event of the death of the card holder, the executor or administrator of the estate should notify us and return the card.

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