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6. New strategy ‘lenses’

The 3 strategy ‘lenses’

6.1 We developed our emerging preferred strategy by exploring 3 different ‘lenses’. Each lens looked at an alternative approach to locating new homes and jobs, which brought into consideration different locations, sites and issues.

6.2 The lenses have helped us to explore the choices we face and understand the opportunities and challenges of different sites and locations.

6.3 Our emerging preferred strategy is a combination of locations and sites identified through these lenses.

6.4 As well as the preferred strategy we welcome your views on the 3 lenses and sites within each. This will help us to confirm a preferred strategy for the next stage of consultation (Regulation 19).

6.5 Use the links below for an explanation of the focus, the places within, the potential sites and the opportunities and challenges of each lens:

Lens 1 – No Green Belt loss

Lens 2 – Urban edge

Lens 3 – Transport corridors and hubs

Read the next section – Strategy Lens 1: No Green Belt loss.

Or return to the contents page.

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