About your account

By setting up a South Gloucestershire Council online account with us, you will be able to apply for, pay for or request certain council services online, at a time that is convenient for you.

You will need to set up your account at https://account.southglos.gov.uk and validate your email address before using these services.

However, the council is currently developing these services, so their availability over the next couple of years will depend on when we make these features available.

You can use your account to follow the progress of these requests or payments.

Your account makes it easier to keep your correspondence with us safe and easily accessible from one place at any time.

You can set preferences within your account for certain functionality, including information alerts by email.

Your account is managed by South Gloucestershire Council. If you have any queries about your information held on your account, or you wish to withdraw your consent to your account, contact General Enquiries 01454 868009 or for more information on ways to contact us visit our contact centre team page.

Your privacy information

For general information about how we handle personal information please visit www.southglos.gov.uk/privacy.

Your information

This privacy information relates to the personal information we have obtained from you, or via someone who you have nominated to act on your behalf, relating to your account with us.

You may nominate someone to act on your behalf in relation to managing your customer account.

We will use your information according to UK Data Protection laws to provide you with a single online customer account. We will establish your explicit consent by asking you to confirm you agree this privacy notice and have read our terms and conditions before completing your registration.

When the services available via your account include statutory services, for example council tax, we will keep your basic identification and contact details for as long as you have a relationship with us.

How we will use your information

We will use your information to provide services available via my account that you have requested whilst complying with the established lawful conditions.

In order to provide your customer account and any services offered that you require via this channel, we will share your information with the following:

  • other departments and teams within the council
  • third parties contracted by the council to deliver services on our behalf

We may also share your information with others outside of the council where we are legally required to do so e.g. regulators and other public organisations for the detection and prevention of crime.

How long we will keep your information

We will keep your information for as long as you have a relationship with us and an additional 7 years after that for financial transactions and for 1 year for other information.

We may retain anonymised information about the service we provided to help us improve our services in the future.

Transferring your information overseas

Your information is not transferred and stored outside the EU for the provision of this service.

Your rights

You have a number of rights relating to your information e.g. to see what we hold, to ask us to share it with another party, ask us if necessary* to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object to or restrict processing of it or to make a complaint about how we are handling it. If you have given us your permission to use your information you also have the right to withdraw that permission at any time in the future.

*Your account enables you to update certain incorrect or incomplete details about yourself online. You also have access to other information you provide in relation to requests for services with us.

If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled, contact our Data Protection Officer at DPO@southglos.gov.uk or write to us at Data Protection Officer, PO Box 1953, Badminton Road Office, Badminton Road, Bristol, BS37 0DE and we will be pleased to help you.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number.

Alternatively, visit ico.org.uk or email casework@ico.org.uk.

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