Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

Our general privacy information is available at www.southglos.gov.uk/privacy.

Your information

This privacy notice relates to the personal information we have collected from your Diamond Travelcard application form.

South Gloucestershire Council is the data controller for the Diamond Travelcard scheme and we have a legal obligation to process your personal information.

We will not be able to assess whether you are entitled to a Diamond Travelcard without the personal data you provide us with.

You should be aware that the information we have obtained from you in relation to the above service includes special category data about your personal circumstances.

Where relevant this includes:

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • place of birth
  • gender
  • national insurance number
  • evidence of your identity
  • your photograph
  • information regarding your medical condition(s), treatments and medical professionals
  • information regarding how your medical condition(s) affect you
  • information regarding relevant benefits that you may receive
  • evidence of your entitlement to benefits
  • evidence regarding your medical condition(s)
  • your phone number and email address (where provided by you)

Please note, where relevant the above information may be collected from any third party who applies on your behalf.

We will also establish that the third party is legally representing you by establishing your consent or a valid power of attorney.

How we use your information

We will use your information to work out whether or not you are entitled to a concessionary Diamond Travelcard.

Who we can share your information with

For the purpose of processing Diamond Travelcard applications we may need to share your information with partner organisations including:

  • Smart Application Management Ltd (formerly trading as South West Smart Applications Management Ltd)
  • Unicard Limited
  • Euclid Limited
  • NEC Software Solutions UK Limited
  • ESP Group

We also have a public interest reason, which is supported by legislation, to share your data with the Cabinet Office (National Fraud Initiative), His Majesty’s Revenues and Customs, for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud and error or cancelling a Diamond Travelcard which should not be in issue.

If you want information on how these companies process and protect your personal information, you need to view their individual privacy notices.

We may also use your information to contact you about other benefit schemes that might support your needs.

How long we will keep your information

We keep all records relating to Diamond Travelcard applications for as long as you have an active and ongoing application or Diamond Travelcard with us.

If your Diamond Travelcard application is refused, we will keep your records for 180 days.

If your Diamond Travelcard has expired or has been cancelled we will keep your records for the current financial year and for the 6 financial years following the year that your record is closed.

Transferring your information overseas

Your information is not transferred or stored in countries outside the UK or the European
Economic Area (EEA) for the provision of this service.

Your rights

You have a number of rights relating to your information, for example to see what we hold about you, to ask us to share it with another party, to ask us to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object to or restrict processing of it, or to make a complaint about how we are handling it.

If you have given us your permission to use your information you also have the right to withdraw that permission at any time in the future.

If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled please contact our Data Protection Officer: at DPO@southglos.gov.uk or write to us:

Data Protection Office
PO Box 1953,
The Council Offices
Badminton Road
BS37 0DE

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) via their contact page or call them on 0303 123 1113.

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