How to do business with us
We procure goods, services and work from many different suppliers to carry out our daily business. This page explains what you need to know to sell to us.
Page contents
Guidance on selling to us
We use a website called Supplying the South West (often referred to as ‘the portal’) to publish our contracts and tendering opportunities along with 27 other councils in the South West.
Terms and conditions
The following terms and conditions for purchase orders will normally apply depending on what is provided to us.
Purchase orders
Supply of services to the council
Supply of goods to the council
Supply of goods and services to the council
Suppliers will be made aware of the exact terms and conditions of any contract when responding to opportunities or tenders.
Upcoming contract opportunities
We publish our contracts and tender opportunities on the Supplying the South West portal.
You can look up existing contracts and opportunities without registering.
By registering as a supplier you can:
- receive email notification of any tender opportunities that may be of interest
- register your interest and request tender documents for any opportunities you choose
- submit questionnaires and tenders online where required
The service is completely free of charge.
Social value
Before we procure or commission any services, The Public Services (social value) Act 2012 requires that we consider how they can secure wider social, economic and environmental benefits. This helps us maximise the value of public money spent through our contracts and benefit the community as a whole.
To do this we use a performance and evidence-based approach to social value. We have adopted the TOMs (Themes, Outcomes and Measures) model to measure and monitor the social value delivered through our contracts. Based on the National TOMs, we have developed our own TOMs that align with our corporate policies and reflect the needs of South Gloucestershire.
As a bidder you should propose credible targets against which performance will be monitored if you are successful in your bid. You do not have to complete all measures and can choose those proportional and relevant to your business and the contract, (other than for any mandatory measures set out in the tender documents). A key success factor will be demonstrating the ability to deliver against any commitments made.
Bidders and suppliers can access our TOMs and related guidance below.
Social value schedule for invitation to tender pack
South Gloucestershire Council TOMs for bidders
TOMs Dos and Don’ts for bidders
The video below explains how the Social Value Portal measures social value.
Helping you to deliver social value
We work with local organisations to provide advice to potential suppliers who may require support in deciding how they can best offer social value through their tender responses.
Quartet Community Foundation
We work with the Quartet Community Foundation to help suppliers deliver social value. Quartet are a charity who specialise in linking businesses to local good causes. Using their 30 years of local experience, they help you focus on the key social needs of the area to build an action plan for your social value goals that makes a real impact on local communities, charities and voluntary organisations.
CVS South Gloucestershire
CVS South Gloucestershire is the umbrella body for over 1,000 voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations operating across South Gloucestershire.
CVS has developed an online members showcase which either have an externally validated quality award or have undertaken an assessment of their activities and operations against CVS membership standards. These CVS membership standards have been developed with South Gloucestershire Council commissioners and procurement officers and other local funders.
Each organisation has provided a social value contact for you to work with.
Sustainable procurement
We are committed to:
- identifying significant environmental risks and opportunities associated with procurement projects and making sure they are addressed
- requesting information from potential suppliers on how they will help us to progress our environmental objectives as part of delivering a contract and take their response into account in awarding the contract
- ensuring procurement activity is compatible with and where possible contributes to the implementation of our climate change strategy and carbon management plan
- ensuring that timber and wood-derived products are procured from legal and sustainable sources
- strengthening local supply chains and promote the use of local goods and services within the parameters of procurement legislation