Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

Fraud is when someone acts dishonestly to make a gain for themselves or another person.  

People who commit fraud may be:  

  • telling us false information  
  • failing to tell us updates in information  
  • abusing their position  

Fraud and corruption have a direct impact on the community as losses to us can mean cuts in services or increases in council tax costs to maintain services.  

Our values and responsibilities 

Our core values emphasise the importance of using our resources wisely to deliver value for money. This means that proper accountability, internal control and honest administration are essential.  

We are proud of the excellent reputation we have established for integrity and honesty.   

We are required by law to protect the public funds we administer.   


We have a very good track record of responding to fraud committed by individuals who have attempted to obtain assets, claim benefits or occupy affordable social housing that they are not entitled to.   

We also have procedures for tackling fraudulent or improper attempts to obtain assets or services.  


Whistleblowing is when a worker reports certain types of wrongdoing within their workplace or organisation.  

You can read our whistleblowing policy for more information.   

Data sharing for the prevention and detection of fraud  

To prevent and detect fraud, we may share information provided to us with other organisations responsible for:  

  • auditing  
  • administering public funds  
  • undertaking a public function  

If a match is found then further investigation may be needed. No assumption of fraud or other explanation can be made until an investigation is completed.  

We also provide certain data sets to the Cabinet Office as part of the National Fraud Initiative

This data matching exercise is carried out with statutory authority under Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under data protection legislation.  

For details of how we use and protect your information read our privacy notice.  

Our policy  

You can find our key responsibilities to fraud prevention, what to do if fraud is suspected and the action we take in our counter-fraud, corruption and bribery policy.   

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