You can apply for approval of details reserved by a planning condition. This is known as discharging a planning condition.

This type of application will be necessary where a condition in a planning permission or listed building consent requires further details of a specified aspect to be approved by us (the Local Planning Authority) within the timescale set out in the condition.  For example, before the development begins or before the development is occupied.

This should not be confused with the process to remove or vary a condition.

You can read more information about the approval (discharge) of conditions form.

Planning conditions

Planning permissions are usually granted subject to conditions, which may require further information to be submitted at a certain point during the development.  Examples may include the submission of drainage works or details or works to improve highway access.  You should be aware that if you do not comply with any conditions on the decision notice, then you would be in breach of the condition and may be subject to enforcement action by the council.


A fee is payable for each request made (a single request may be for more than one condition to be discharged). The fee is payable each time any condition is discharged, even if details were previously provided and are just being revised. Fees do not apply to telecommunications developments.

The fees for approval of details reserved by conditions are:

  • £43 for each request relating to enlargement, improvement, or other alteration of an existing dwelling or house and sheds, gates, fences and walls
  • £145 for each request which fall within any other category of development

Visit the Planning Portal for fees related to planning applications.

What happens next 

We usually respond to all requests within 8 weeks. If for any reason you do not receive a response within 12 weeks, you can apply for a refund of  your fee.

We will reach a decision based on the information you submit. If the information is not acceptable the discharge will be refused and you will need to make another application. For a major application, we may allow one round of revised plans and additional information at our discretion.

If it is a major application or is complicated and has many conditions attached, you can submit separate discharge requests for each condition or enter into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) so a programme can be negotiated.

Requests to confirm whether conditions precedent have been discharged (for example, from solicitors or prospective purchasers) will be handled under the same arrangements. 

We provide a ‘compliance monitoring service’ which focuses on supporting developers in complying with the terms and conditions of their planning permission, through regular site visits and working closely with developers and the officers responsible for discharging relevant details. Only sites which meet a set criteria are monitored.

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