Our internal audit service carries out a programme of planned visits to the schools that we financially maintain in South Gloucestershire. This visit assures the council and your Governors that there are good controls in place to reduce risk and ensure that the school’s finances are effectively managed. Each year we plan our visits based on:

  • when a school was last audited
  • the school’s previous audit findings
  • whether the school has a new headteacher or business manager
  • how well the school is managing their financial position against their budget
  • any concerns notified to us about the school

An audit may also be carried out if a school is due to become an academy or join a multi academy trust.

We also provide services to a large number of academy trusts. We fully comply with the public sector internal audit standards and provide independent assurance to your trustees that:

  • the financial responsibilities of the trust are being properly taken
  • resources are managed in an efficient, economical and effective manner
  • effective systems of internal financial control are being maintained
  • financial considerations are fully taken into account in making decisions

Services we provide

We offer value for money auditing services, including:

  • risk based auditing of your core systems e.g. purchasing, income, payroll and governance arrangements
  • value for money auditing (including financial resilience and due diligence)
  • fraud testing and investigation work as needed
  • IT auditing
  • contract auditing
  • a managed approach with your external auditors

If you are interested in becoming an academy

We can provide an independent internal audit service to help you assure your trustees about your operations. Contact us for more information on our services and a no obligation quotation.


Financial regulations for schools

Model code of conduct for governing bodies (National Governance Association)

School fund auditor certificate (Microsoft Word version)

Vacancy approval template (Microsoft Word version)

Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption policy template (Microsoft Word version)

Procurement information for schools – Jan 2023

Schools newsletter – May 2023

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