Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

It is an offence under the Highway Act 1980 to put up any sign on public roads in South Gloucestershire without our permission. 

Our signage policy  

We have a policy which allows for limited roadside advertising.   

Businesses can normally display one small A-board immediately outside their premises if the sign does not cause an obstruction.  No other advertising signage is permitted.  

Charity and community group signage 

Charities and other community groups can request permission to display temporary signage to advertise fundraising events. 

Charity signage criteria 

Signage for charity events can only be displayed in the area local to the event  and no more than 10 signs are to be displayed per event.  

Charity signage should meet the following criteria.  

The sign or signs:   

  • must not obstruct any road sign  
  • must not be attached to traffic lights and pedestrian crossings or at road junctions   
  • must not be placed on any bridges or above the highway for example banners    
  • displayed on street furniture on footways should be placed at a height no lower than 2.1 metres, but no higher than 2.8 metres   
  • must not be displayed on the A4174 Avon Ring Road 
  • should not be displayed on roads with a speed limit greater than 40 mph unless the location can be accessed from a designated footway 

Request permission for a sign 

Requests should be made at least two weeks in advance of the signage being displayed.  

Send your request by email to: streetworks@southglos.gov.uk.   

Report unauthorised signage 

You can report an unauthorised sign such as a cardboard sign on traffic lights to our Contact Centre by:  

What happens next 

We will either remove the sign or contact the advertiser to request the removal of the sign.   

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