There are ways you can help boost your income and reduce your outgoings to make your money go further. Below are some ideas.

Check you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to

Millions of pounds of benefits go unclaimed every year. GOV.UK has links to benefits calculators that you can use to check if you are entitled to receive any extra money.

We also have information about the different benefits.

If you are 66 or over, check to see if you can claim Pension Credit which can be worth thousands of pounds a year, and is a gateway for you to receive council tax discounts, free TV licences for over-75s and more.

Cut your household and utility bills every way you can

If you are out of contract for your phone or broadband using a comparison website to switch could help you save money instantly. Check for social tariffs which offer long-term, low-cost contracts if you are on benefits.

Switching energy providers is more difficult and less likely to help in the current energy crisis. With some providers you can sign up for a price alert to tell you when prices come down. If your provider offers this service make sure you sign up.

Check to see if you qualify for a grant that will pay to make your home more energy efficient. This could include things like home insulation, double gazing, solar panels or a new boiler. This will help reduce your energy bills.

The Simple Energy Advice website has lots of information about ways to save on energy costs. You can use their home energy grants page to find out what grants you could get.

You can change your habits to help cut your energy usage:

  • unplug electrical appliances such as TVs and phone chargers when you are not using them
  • only boil the water you need when making a hot drink
  • consider alternative ways of cooking – a casserole done in a slow cooker uses far less energy than in the oven, microwaving a jacket potato can work out up to 10 times cheaper than oven baking.
  • put lids on saucepans when cooking to save time and energy
  • have a shower not a bath to use less hot water

There is more help on energy saving at home on the Warm and Well website. 

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Save on food costs

Your family could save with our tips on how to spend less on food and make what you buy go further:

  • plan meals for your family so you only buy what you need
  • love your leftovers by putting them in the fridge and using them for lunch
  • make them go further by adding leftover vegetables or sauces to pasta or rice
  • you can freeze more than you think – if bread goes off before you can eat it, put half a loaf in the freezer until you need it
  • leave your skins on – you can eat most vegetables with the skin on, just give your carrots, parsnips and potatoes a quick wash before you cook them
  • own brand products are often just as good but cheaper
  • buy frozen not pre-prepared vegetables and fruit, they are cheaper and last longer

The Cooking on a bootstrap website has budget recipes designed with simple and cheap ingredients.

There is more information on our how to reduce and recycle food waste page.

Cancel all subscriptions you no longer use

Check you are not wasting money on things you signed up for but no longer use. For example magazine subscriptions, gym memberships or streaming services.

Go through your direct debits and standing orders and decide if you still need the goods or service and then check to see if you can get a better deal. You should cancel if you no longer need it and you are out of contract.

Consider giving up smoking

For details of local smoke free services, stop smoking aids and digital tools, visit the One You website.

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Free days out in South Gloucestershire

Outdoor attractions

Here are 10 beautiful natural places you can explore in South Gloucestershire for free:


Libraries are a fantastic resource for families and can save your money. It is free to come to activities, join and borrow books and there are no charges for books returned late, lost or damaged on children’s membership cards.

Find details of activities and when and where they are happening on our library services for children and young people webpages.

Try these low-cost or free family activities

Keeping children entertained can be expensive, but you don’t have to spend lots of money to have fun. Read our top tips to help plan ahead:

Get creative
Collect some old magazines and create a work of art or gather some materials that you already have around the house, such as cardboard boxes or old clothes, and create a collage.

Go on a nature scavenger hunt
Forage around the house and garden for natural items such as rocks, leaves or feathers.

Hold a board game challenge
Get out your family favourites and spend the day playing together. 

Grow some cress heads
Get some dried-out eggshells and draw funny faces on them. Fill them with damp cotton wool and sprinkle with cress seeds. Then pop them on a windowsill and watch them sprout crazy cress hair within days.

Photo of family enjoying a movie at home

Plan a movie themed day at home
Pick a family favourite film then dress up like the characters  and make the props, re-enact a memorable scene, or sing the songs in a karaoke competition before settling down to enjoy the movie.

Get moving
Staying active is crucial to good health and it doesn’t have to cost a penny. There are plenty of free exercise classes available on YouTube that you can do on your own or together as a family.

More ideas

Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has compiled The Cost of Living Survival Kit bringing together lots more useful ideas on how to make your money work harder in these difficult times.

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