You can find advice on how to claim asylum in the UK on GOV.UK.

If you’re an asylum applicant or refugee and you need advice about the asylum process or adapting to life in the UK you can get help by phone.

What is an asylum seeker

An asylum seeker or a person seeking asylum is someone whose home country is not able to ensure their protection due to conflict or persecution.

Requests for asylum are from individuals who have arrived in a new country, such as the UK, and are seeking sanctuary for their own safety.

A person who seeks asylum in the UK has to apply to the Home Office for recognition that they are at real risk of persecution in their home country.

What we help with

We help to co-ordinate support from local and national organisations that assist people seeking asylum.

We have a statutory duty to make social care assessments and to address safeguarding concerns.

We have a responsibility to support children and young people under 18 years of age who are defined as unaccompanied children seeking asylum.

Other support

These organisations can support you whilst your application for asylum is being reviewed:

Aid Box Community


Bristol Refugee Rights

Migrant Help

The Haven

Mind Bristol


Local advice centres

The advice network ACFA lists organisations working with vulnerable migrants, people seeking asylum and those with refugee status.

There is a locality checker on the ACFA website with details of agencies that offer information and legal advice on immigration and asylum issues.

Find advice near you

You can also find details of supportive organisations on our information and guidance pages.

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