Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

We support health and safety in the workplace by seeking to protect people from accidents, ill health or injury and to protect property from damage.

We also carry out health and safety inspections, investigate complaints and promote health and safety across South Gloucestershire.

Below you can find information and resources from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to support you with health and safety at work.

What your business needs to do

For information on risk assessments, policies, training, first aid and the law find the health and safety made simple: the basics for your business page.

Report an accident

Employers, the self employed and people in control of work premises need to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences (near misses). 

This is legislation is called Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR). 

Types of reportable incidents

You can find a list of types of reportable incidents.

How to report an accident

The report must be made to the HSE through their how to make a RIDDOR report page.


We aim to make sure workplaces are safe for employees, the self employed and members of the public.

Inspections make sure any hazards to health, safety and welfare in relation to work activities have been identified and the risks adequately controlled.

You can find more information on the inspections in the workplace page.

Enforcing health and safety at work

We have an emphasis on prevention but where appropriate we, along with the HSE, will enforce the law where we find it is being deliberately disregarded.

You can find more information on the enforcement action page.

List of premises

You must provide a safe and healthy environment for all your workers and take their welfare needs into account.

You can find out the premises where we and the HSE enforce health and safety on the enforcing authority list page.

Convictions and notices

The HSE keep registers of prosecutions and notices for the UK.

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