Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

Although a funeral director will be invited to organise most funerals, you can arrange a funeral yourself if you prefer.

Making funeral arrangements

An independent funeral can mean taking responsibility for collecting and moving the body, arranging embalming and viewing of the deceased, providing a coffin, hearse and arranging the service, or it can just mean arranging the burial and service.

A funeral can only take place after the death is registered and the necessary forms have been completed, however funeral arrangements can begin straight away.

Further information on the legal process of registering a death is available at GOV UK.

Book a funeral

To book a funeral contact us by:

Further information can be found on our cemeteries page.

More information

If you would like further advice and guidance, the Natural Death Centre is a charitable project which provides information to help people arrange inexpensive, family organised, and environment friendly funerals.

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