The South Gloucestershire Covid-19 dashboard is no longer produced. You can find information on Covid-19 in South Gloucestershire from the following data sources and dashboards.


Information on the percentage of the population testing positive for Covid-19 by region and by age group can be accessed from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK – Office for National Statistics. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey is based on a random sample of households and provides a representative survey that is not impacted by changes in testing and reporting policies.

Local authority level data can be accessed using Cases in South Gloucestershire | Coronavirus in the UK (


Healthcare in North Bristol NHS Trust | Coronavirus in the UK ( provides information on Covid-19 patients admitted to or staying at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT).

NBT has been automatically selected as the majority of residents in South Gloucestershire would use North Bristol Trust if requiring hospital care, however other trust data can also be viewed.


Vaccinations in South Gloucestershire | Coronavirus in the UK ( provides information on local authority level vaccination uptake. This includes breakdowns by key age demographics and updates on the latest seasonal vaccination programme.


Deaths in South Gloucestershire | Coronavirus in the UK ( provides local authority level data on deaths where Covid-19 is specified as a cause of death on the death certificate, and on deaths that occur within 28 days of a positive test.

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