Our scheduled monuments and archaeological sites provide historical information about South Gloucestershire.

Scheduled Monuments

A scheduled monument is a site, building or area of archaeological importance. They are among the most significant heritage assets in the country.

Historic England maintains the list of scheduled monuments for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and provides information on what scheduling is, the criteria and how to apply

You will still need to apply for scheduled monument consent even if you have planning permission.

Our scheduled monuments

In South Gloucestershire there are 38 scheduled monuments. These sites range from hillforts such as Sodbury Camp to bridges and churchyard crosses.

Scheduled monuments in South Gloucestershire

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There are thousands of archaeological sites in South Gloucestershire from Prehistoric find spots to Roman villas, Tudor castles and Post-Medieval mining remains.

The significance of these vary but they all contribute to a greater understanding of the area of how South Gloucestershire developed and continues to develop and thrive.

Archaeological remains can be both above and below ground and can include buildings, landscapes, sites and wrecks as well as other types of heritage asset. Not all archaeological remains are known and new discoveries are constantly being made.

More information about archaeological sites and other heritage assets can be found in the Historic Environment Record.

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