Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

We have a statutory duty to undertake a full review of polling districts and places.

Our review makes sure that polling stations have accessible and convenient facilities to vote from.

What a polling district or polling place is

Polling districts are geographical electoral areas into which wards and constituencies may be subdivided.

Polling places are the buildings or areas designated by the council where electors in a polling district go to vote in person.

Polling stations are the number of issuing desks in the building or area in the designated polling place.

Review of polling districts and places timetable

The Boundary Commission for England has undertaken a review of parliamentary constituency boundaries which are expected to come into effect in November 2023.

The review timetable has been designed to reflect those changes, together with adjustments following the Community Governance Review at the annual revision of the electoral register on 1 December 2023.

2 October 2023: Publish a notice of the review

2 October 2023: Publish Acting Returning Officer representations

2 October 2023: Start of formal consultation

30 October 2023: End of formal consultation

By 3 November 2023: Consider responses

9 November 2023: Final proposals published through meeting agenda papers and website

16 November 2023: Regulatory Committee to consider representations and determine scheme

30 November 2023: Conclude review

1 December 2023: Publish revised register with new polling districts

2 May 2024: Scheduled election on new polling districts and polling places scheme

Public consultation

The public consultation ran from 2 October to 30 October 2023 and has now closed.

What happens next

The outcome of the review will be published in November and will be available for inspection on our website and at the locations listed above.

Anybody making representations should be aware that upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received must, by law, also be published.

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