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Key issues – update

Key issues – recap

In section 3 of the Phase 1 Local Plan consultation in 2020 we discussed the key issues that we thought the new Local Plan needed to consider in planning for the future development of the district.

These were based on national planning guidance as well as local circumstances and evidence. In all we identified 56 issues which we grouped under 9 themes. The Phase 1 consultation document, issues section is available to view here.

Key issues – what you told us

You can view all the responses to our consultation on the key issues and key statistics from the Phase 1 consultation here.

In response to our consultation you told us that you broadly supported the identification of the wide range of issues facing our area.

  • there was wide-ranging support for the range and scope of issues identified and a recognition that all are relevant to the developing the new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire – however, there were different views about the relative importance of some themes and issues
  • members of the public, South Gloucestershire councillors, parish councils and community groups were supportive of issues identified under the climate change, environment and health and wellbeing themes with particular concerns about protecting local character, heritage, wildlife and green infrastructure
  • whilst the need for new housing was recognised, there was a view from some within these groups that we should not be meeting the needs of Bristol within South Gloucestershire
  • there were mixed views on development in the Green Belt from those that thought it should be protected at all costs, those that thought other options should be investigated first, to those who thought some change and release of Green Belt might be needed
  • representatives of the development industry recognised and supported climate change and environmental issues and the need for good design but also supported the need to meet our identified housing needs in full – there was a view that it will be necessary to build in brownfield, green field and Green Belt locations in order to deliver the amount of homes we need
  • there were detailed comments on the wording and content of some of the issues
  • in addition there were comments on how the issues identified should be translated into planning policies or a particular strategy for development – these included comments from utilities providers, businesses, charities, and local and national organisations as well as local residents and developers

Key issues – what happens next?

As there was general support for the range of issues which the Local Plan has to address, and there were no issues which were not considered relevant or requests for stand-alone new issues, we are making changes in response to more detailed comments and confirming the issues facing South Gloucestershire Council.

We are not presenting the updated issues in full for consultation in Phase 2, but the updated list of themes and issues is in the table below.

We will consider your comments on how the Local Plan should address the issues as we prepare the strategy for development and policies in our new Local Plan.

Table of Issues (diagram to be added shortly)

Read the next chapter – New Local Plan objectives – update

Go back to the Local Plan 2020 – Phase 2 Urban, Rural and Key Issues document landing page.

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