Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

We regularly compare the information we hold with other data sources including the electoral register and credit agencies, to check for changes we have not been told about.

We do this because we have legal duty to ensure those receiving the discount are genuinely entitled to it.

How we carry out the checks

We use an external agency called Civica to carry out the checks.

Civica provide services relating to the administration and collection of council tax for many local authorities all over the country. They have a dedicated and specialist team of experienced council tax officers who carry out discount reviews.

If they find evidence of an undeclared adult living in your property who should be counted for council tax, you will be sent a letter with a review form to fill out.

What you need to do

You will need to fill in the review form and return it using the envelope provided within 14 days.

If you are the only adult over 18 living at your property, you need to:

  • tick the relevant box
  • sign and date the form at the bottom
  • return to the address at the bottom of the letter

If there is more than one adult living at your property, you will need to:

  • give their name
  • date of birth
  • the date on which they moved in
  • their previous address

The information you provide will be electronically scanned onto your council tax account.


You may have an adult living with you who you think should not be counted for council tax. For example, if they:

  • are an apprentice
  • have recently left school
  • are a student at college or university

You need to include them on the review form and tell us why you think they should not be counted.

You will need to include details of:

  • their date of birth
  • the name of the school, college, or university they attend
  • their term time address if they are living away whilst studying

Include any evidence you have relating to the exempt individual(s) and an email address or phone number for you so that we can contact you if we need more information.

If you need help with what evidence you may need to give, phone 0300 330 1505.

If you do not return your form we will assume your circumstances have changed and you are no longer eligible for the single person discount. Your discount will be stopped, and an updated council tax bill will be sent to you.

Data protection

To protect your data:

  • Civica is only permitted to hold the data for the correct purposes, for the charging and collection of a tax
  • the data is held for as long as required and then destroyed
  • no database is put together that could be shared with or accessed by other bodies or sources

Neither Civica nor we hold any credit information. If you want to see your credit file, you should contact one of the major credit referencing agencies:

  • TransUnion (formerly CallCredit)
  • Experian
  • Equifax

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