Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

You can dedicate a tree that has not been planted yet for a celebration such as a wedding or birthday or for a living memorial.

This gives you an opportunity to purchase trees which can be planted on land owned or managed by us such as public open space or on grass verges.

These new trees provide benefits for people and nature by softening the landscape, providing habitats for wildlife, improving air quality and health and wellbeing.


We try to plant the tree in a location of your choice.

This may not always be possible if the location is close to:

  • underground or over ground utilities and services
  • buildings or other structures
  • other trees and vegetation
  • a road and interferes with visibility

Tree size and species

All trees provided are between 3 to 3.5m in height.

The tree will be 10 to 12cm or 12 to 14cm in girth depending on the species.

We try to plant the right tree in the right place. Our tree officer will advise which species are suitable for the location.

Time of planting

The tree planting season is November and March whilst the trees are dormant. This gives them the best start in the ground ready for the spring when they start growing again.


Plaques are not permitted on grass verges or in open spaces.

How to dedicate a tree

To dedicate a tree contact us by:


Dedicating a tree costs £350. This includes:

  • the tree
  • planting
  • protective supports
  • watering

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