In South Gloucestershire business and industry account for around a third of our area wide emissions. The Climate and Nature Emergency impacts on businesses in many ways from energy bill pressures to supply chain issues.

Action can be a great way for your business to manage costs, increase staff retention and attract and maintain customers.

Carbon emissions calculator

Join thousands of businesses acting on climate change and visit the Business climate hub for information and use the simple carbon emissions calculator tool provided to help you:

  • measure your emissions
  • commit to reduce emissions
  • take action
  • report
  • get recognised for your action

The website also holds resources and information on how to get your business ready for the local impacts of a changing climate and how to protect and restore nature.

Local action

Find out what businesses are doing locally to act on the Climate and Nature Emergency and how you can get involved by visiting the Business West website.

Green business grants

The West of England Combined Authority Green Business Grants help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make energy-saving improvements to their buildings and business operations.

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