Our team can help you find suitable premises for your business.

Search for property

You can search for office, warehousing and industrial property in South Gloucestershire visit the Invest Bristol and Bath website property search page.

Station Road workshops

There are 48 individual light industrial workshop units from 270 to 2,000 sq ft, suitable for almost any size and type of business.

Suitable for new ventures or established organisations. As your business grows you can move to a larger unit on site or take on additional units, without the inconvenience of relocating.

Find out more on the New Work Trust website.


We take part in the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (REiiF).

This will be held on 16 May to 18 May 2023. More information can be found on the REiiF website.


We attend the leading international real estate event MIPIM, to showcase development opportunities and reasons why South Gloucestershire is a great place to invest.

More information about this event will be updated in the future.

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